

Information about monsters in the current map and cell can be obtained through ScriptInterface#Monsters. This is useful for testing if monsters exist or exist with specific conditions about their health or other properties.


The class has the following properties. The proprties are outlined in this format: Type PropertyName.

List<Monster> CurrentMonsters - A list of monsters in the current cell. This includes monsters that are dead.

List<Monster> MapMonsters - A list of monsters in the current map.

List<string> HuntCellBlacklist - A list of cells that are ignored when hunting for monsters. This is typically unneeded.


The class has the following methods:

bool Exists(string name) - Checks if a monster with the specified name exists (and is alive) in the current cell.

Dictionary<string, List<Monster>> GetCellMonsters() - Gets a dictionary mapping cell names to the monsters in that cell.

List<Monster> GetMonstersByCell(string cell) - Gets a list of monsters in the given cell.

List<string> GetMonsterCells(string name) - Gets a list of cells that contain a monster with the given name.

List<string> GetLivingMonsterCells(string name) - Gets a list of cells that contain a living monster with the given name.

The Monster Class

Many of the above properties return lists containing instances of Monster. This class has the following properties:

string Name - The name of the monster.

int ID - The unique id of the monster.

string Race - The race of the monster. I don’t quite know how useful this is if at all.

string Cell - The name of the cell that contains this monster.

int MapID - The map id of the monster. This can be used to target specific monsters in a room when multiple monsters with the same name exist.

int HP - The health of the monster.

int State - The state of the monster. When State > 0, the monster is alive, otherwise it is dead.

Later, when attacking monsters is explained, it will be made clear how to query monster lists and target monsters using these properties.